Tailz to Celebrate the Release of his EP "Suavenchy Szn" at The Republik

Tailz to Celebrate the Release of his EP "Suavenchy Szn" at The Republik

(July 28, 2017- Honolulu,HI)- Tailz is in preparation to celebrate the iTunes release of his EP "Suavenchy Szn". This is Tailz's fourth project and second commercial release. The project features production from two of Hawaii's premier producers, Papi Figgs, and DJ (an)Rky. The 6 song Ep is in an out with ground shaking 808's and kick drums. Tailz has even connected with Bay Area native Kool John to assist with the trunk rattling single "On Me". You may have heard these two on a previous record that was released in 2016 called "Screenshots". The "Suavenchy Szn" release party will take place at The Republik, located in the heart of Honolulu. As of now the date is TBA. For further information regarding the release party; Follow Tailz on all social media. Be sure to check with Ticketmaster for ticket prices, and party details.

Stream your copy of "Suavenchy Szn" today!!

About Tailz

Surfing, sunny skies and President Obama are all things that come to mind when one thinks of Hawaii. What about hip-hop? The Real Tailz (Kerry Smith) is here to change that. The Oahu-based rapper/producer has been putting on for his city since 2009, releasing four solid projects and becoming the go-to opener for major recording artists touring in the market such as Tinashe, Wiz Khalifa, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, and Waka Flocka Flame. Born in Las Vegas, Tailz relocated to Oahu, Hawaii at age 4 due to a better job opportunity for his father. “All of my life experiences, and lessons were taught or introduced to me in Hawaii. My father and his best friend were producers back in the day, but it was more of a hobby to them. My cousin was also a rapper in a group in which I was around often. Because of them my love for music pretty much grew to what it is today.”

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